
Stressing About Your IB IA ? Connect with an IA expert today



    IB IA Tuition

    Our team of experienced IB tutors specializes in IA preparation for various subjects. They possess in-depth knowledge of the IB curriculum and assessment requirements, ensuring you receive the highest quality of tuition.

    IB IA Writing

    We have a team of skilled writers with expertise in various IB subjects. They are familiar with the IA assessment criteria, ensuring that your IA report meets the required standards and demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter.



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    Expert IA Tutors and Writers at Your Service

    We are dedicated to helping IA students excel academically and achieve their goals.

    Achieve Academic Excellence with IA Tutoring

    Our team of expert tutors and writers is here to provide comprehensive support for your IA journey.

    IA Writing Service

    1. Decide to Get Assistance

    The student decides to get help from us for their IA.

    2. Topic Proposal

    We propose three potential topics for the IA. If the student already has a topic, we first evaluate its feasibility.

    3. Topic Selection & Approval

    The student researches the proposed topics, selects one, and gets it approved by their school teacher.

    4. IA Development

    We draft the IA based on the selected topic, following the specific guidelines and the student's deadline

    5. Originality Check

    We provide a Turnitin report (with repository settings turned off) to assure the work's originality

    8. IA Development

    We assist with addressing any feedback given by the school teacher, ensuring the IA is ready for final submission.

    7. Explanation Class

    We conduct a class to explain all aspects of the completed IA, ensuring the student can confidently discuss their work

    IA Classes

    1. Schedule a Trial

    The student books a trial session with one of our experienced IA examiners.

    2. Discuss Requirements

    In the trial session, the student discusses their specific needs and our class packages with the examiner.

    3. Schedule Mentorship Classes

    The student schedules regular mentorship sessions, where they will receive personalized guidance and support throughout the IA process.

    Frequently Asked Questions

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    The IB IA isn't just another assignment. It's your chance to dive deep into a topic you're passionate about in your chosen IB subject, and it lets you explore your curiosity beyond the classroom.

    Think of your IA as a powerful tool in your arsenal. It contributes between 20% to 30% of your final grade, so it's a unique opportunity to boost your overall score in the course.

    While the IA might seem like uncharted territory, there's a common structure most IAs follow: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. But remember, each journey is unique, and yours might slightly differ based on your subject.

    The secret to picking a fantastic IA topic? Follow your heart! Choose a topic that fascinates you and is tied to your IB subject. Remember, it needs to be focused enough to explore within the word limit. Your teacher and we, at IB Ace Academy, are here to help guide you in the right direction.

    The due date for the IA can vary from school to school. However, it's usually due early in your second year of the IB program. The golden rule? Start early and avoid last-minute panic.

    At IB Ace Academy, we're your fellow adventurers in this IA journey. We're here to help you at each step - from choosing your topic, crafting a research question, laying out a structured plan, to finally writing up your IA in line with IB expectations.

    Policies on redoing your IA might differ based on your school. But remember, your first shot is your best shot. The IA process is quite demanding, and doing it twice can really add to your plate.

    Your teacher, armed with a specific IB rubric, first grades your IA. Then, these scores are sent to the IB, where they're often moderated to make sure everyone's playing by the same rules.

    Yes, the IB likes its IAs dressed in a certain way. This includes specifics about font size, citation style, and word count. Sticking to these style guides is essential to avoid any fashion faux pas (read: penalties).

    While brainstorming ideas with your friends can be fun, when it comes to the research and writing part, it's a solo journey. This is to make sure everyone's work is original and maintains academic integrity.


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